IT Abbreviations

IT Abbreviations

Information Technology is now a vital part of our life and we can’t live without it. It's now a part of our life which is embedded in our environment. We use mobiles, TVs, laptops and other gadgets and use the Internet, so every one of us should be aware of the basic IT terms and…

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Most common IT term – 2

Information Technology plays a major role in our day-to-day life with or without the knowledge of us. People who pursue their degree in IT, IT-related background and the ones working in IT may know these terms familiarly. This blog is for the ones who are thinking to have a career in Information technology or if…

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Most common IT term – 1

Information Technology plays a major role in our day-to-day life with or without the knowledge of us. People who pursue their degree in IT, IT-related background and the ones working in IT may know these terms familiarly. This blog is for the ones who are thinking to have a career in Information technology or if…

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Extract data using Xpath Query in Talend

Xpath: XPath is used to query selected nodes from an XML document.and used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document.XPath stands for XML Path Language. XPath uses "path like" syntax to identify and navigate nodes in an XML document. XPath contains over 200 built-in functions. XPath is a major element in the XSLT…

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Data Visualization

What is Data visualization? Data visualization, an Vague field, now has risen to a Omni presence in terms of Business intelligence and Data journalism.Data visualization is a geographical representation of information and data gathered. By the utilization of visual elements like charts, graphs, maps and data visualization tools making an ease understanding of data or…

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Utility Analytics

Utility analytics plays a big role in demand and production.The next big benefit is gathering consumer insights and finding analytics capabilities indispensable to resolve business challenges.In order to be a leader in the industry and not to fall behind , utility analytics plays a vital role.Utilities have always analyzed data to improve the operation of…

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Data Analytics

WHAT IS DATA ANALYTICS? Data is unprocessed information. Data analytics helps us to process the data in order to attain conclusion about the given information. Data analytics is the process of reducing large amount of collected data to make sense of them.This technique is mostly used to assist organizations to make well-versed business decisions which…

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